After attending Iowa Western, BYU, BYU Hawaii, and the University of Utah..Shawn graduated with his Bacherlor's degree in the Humanities department, majoring in Communications-walking with his class on May 7, 2010. I can't express how proud we are of what Shawn Has completed! There was two ceremonies at the U and we wanted to be at the one where he received his diploma! He wanted to hear Governor or Ambassador Huntsman speak, but more importantly to us was to see him receive what he has worked so hard at! We joined them for the graduation ceremony at 11 am. Shawn has worked hard and accomplished a major goal that he set many moons ago! Taking on the full responsibility to pay for his schooling getting only lunch money or small donations from us. Thank heavens for soccer scholorships and school loans that helped him so much! We know that he'll move forward and far in all that he decides to do! He has started working in a sales position with Angela's uncle Todd, called They offer Architectural Services, Web Services, Admin. Services, and Creative Services. He's way excited to be a part of this new company and we wish him the best in whatever he endeavers! We couldn't be prouder!
We had a great celebration with our family and Angela's family and their friends at our house, of course everyone sporting the true colors of the U of U! It's good to see all the support that he and Angela have around them!
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