Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mid December, Mick needed a babysitter and I was "gramma fix" day! Icabod had delivered some Christmasy pillow cases to our house, so I delivered them. Payson thought his was cool, but didn't want to cover his Cooler pillow in his new room! Preslie and Talan loved theirs, Talan sang me a song about his~He will sing all sorts of stories to you if you take the time to listen. He's a funny kid. We watched Santa Buddies, read, colored and played on the floor with Preslie. The day swept by! Payson was in school all day so I only got to see him for awhile. He's so into his friends, that after his greetings to his gramma, they were off to play. They did come join me with a game of "go Fish", but you know little boys...they didn't last long and were soon off to play havoc on the toy room. I enjoy just being there to watch them thrive in their own lives. I hope Rick & I are ALWAYS cool to them! Preslie is such a happy baby, in spite of her tummy issues. She spits up like no other, but she's not fussy at all. She was entertained a good part of the day by the ruffling of the tissue! Talan picked out her outfit and refused to allow me to change the shirt that she has quickly grown out of.

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