July 10, 1957 this great man came to this earth to get prepared for us! Isn't he lucky! Well....we are to have him! Happy birthday bud!
We celebrated by having everyone over for a barbeque. Wanted to go up the canyons, but didn't want to miss our good friend Jake who has offered to fix the big hole in our wave runner. When I arrived home from work, he was done...WOW....we're not use to that...! So nice to ask for help on a vehicle or motorized something of ours and the help is right there! How nice.
I planned shis-k-bobs so we decided they wouldn't travel up the canyon so easy, and the baby and the hassle, we just decided to hang at home. It was SOOO nice to have EVERYONE here. No one had to work. It felt good! It felt like home! Rick said that in itself was a great birthday present! Love ya kids. You really do touch and fill our hearts in ways we just can't express!
ya we really are pretty awesome (: haha jk. we love you guys and that was for sure a really fun night! ang