Happy Birthday Mom! 82! WHeW That's awesome!
Just returned home from spending a little bit of time with Mom on her birthday! It seems as if it's been a good day today. She's ready to go...always asking if I'm ready to go and what time do we need to be there....I pushed her in her wheelchair around the center and outside to see the flowers. Dinner time came so I took her in the dining room. I don't like to stay then...it's hard to watch her struggle to feed herself and she gets mad if I try to help. Still to this day, very independent in her own little way!
Today she told me she tried to get her Mom to join us, but she is sick in bed!" Dang it Grandma! Would love a visit with you...hope you get to visit with Mom in her own little world. I truely believe that the veil is very thin and she gets many visitors. I've shared with others how Mom has asked me if I have seen her Grandma & Grandpa out at the gate lately...."No, have you Mom?" I'll ask. She'll answer "no, not for a while!" I tell her it's okay to go see them! I mean that in a totally loving way! She has asked me if I would like to meet her Daddy? I just answer, no, not today!
Being at the center always makes me reflective of who my Mom is. It makes me sad that the people there who care for her, really don't know her. It's made me think of who she is to me and what she has taught me through out my life.
She's a young woman who came from down south to be in a city where the church was. I remember her telling me that there was nothing in the small town of Albany Louisiana for a young LDS girl. I can't imagine moving so far away from my family and home town...
I remember long talks at night through our bedrooms as a teenager...she would finally say, Stac, I need to sleep now. We'll talk later! She was a good friend to me and I laughed with her alot.
My earliest memories are that she has always served in the Young Women's in one way or another, mostly Secretary. Always a good record keeper! From the time I believe I was 6 or 7 I remember going to youth activities because all the babysitters were there, so Mom would bring me along. Maybe that's where my love of the Young Women was inbedded!
She's a people person. Always reaching out to others to be there friend! She speaks to those she sees always, in the halls today, she'll say hello to all who pass by her!
She taught me about prayer through example. Many nights I would come running in at my curfew to tell her I was home and goodnight and would find her on her knees or lieing there quietly saying her prayer. I would unknowingly interupt her, but she wouldn't move and I would soon get the hint to leave her alone for awhile. She taught me that going to Church was important, even if it means going alone! She loved to sing, but couldn't carry a note and she would laugh and tell you so, but she still loved the hymns. Today when she can't think of the words to say in her conversation, she will sing a part of a hymn. She ALWAYS did her visiting teaching! ALWAYS with a lesson.
She's been married to the same man for 61+ years and their love is so sweet to watch. My Dad is a "prince" as his sister describes him as he loves her so much and aches to be near her!
Oh how old age scares me. It's not death that I'm afraid of, it's the last part of the journey that I fear!
I love my Mom and I miss her terribly. Many times I wish I could call her up to share my day with her. In another world Mom, in another world!